Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Three-Image Gouache Montage

For this project, I didn't know what objects to choose. So I asked three people for the first image they could think of. I got a caterpillar, a pinwheel, and a strawberry. Then I arranged the images and put together a comp. I had forgotten the background, but as I was painting the actual piece, it seemed that using a streaky background would work well. I didn't add it to my comp, because it wouldn't have reflected the actual anyway.

I was really pleased with how my caterpillar turned out. My pinwheel was fairly successful, and Rusty seemed to think it was my most successful part. I had a lot of trouble with the strawberry, and probably spent the most time on that one part. I probably did more on that one image than the rest of the entire piece. It's starting to have definition, but I'm not happy with how it turned out.

I don't like this technique, but I love the intensity of the gouache. I had a lot of trouble with getting deep colors in watercolors, but the gouache works much better.

Illustration time: 4.5 hours
Gouache on watercolor paper
10" x 14"

Large-scale Watercolor

We were assigned to do a large watercolor. I chose a picture of a couple in a field and changed the people so they looked like my boyfriend and me. I also eliminated the background and used a gradient from yellow to green/blue and splatters to create visual interest. I didn't use enough color saturation in the painting overall, and thus, the image is pale. However, I think the other aspects of the painting were successful.

My color comp does not accurately reflect the final, because I did not have the range of marker colors nor the skill in using them to create a color scheme that was realistic and reproducible. I will probably have to work on using my markers to create a more believable comp.

Illustration time: 8 hours
20" x 30"
Watercolor on Illustration Board

Monday, February 15, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

First Project Comps

We finally got our first project assignments! We have to do a product illustration and a line art illustration for a newspaper article. We were supposed to do mini comps to show what our final illustrations will look like, and I think mine turned out well. I just hope that I can pull them off in the larger scale.

I'm not too worried about my line art illustration, because I really like working with pen and ink (I'm a control freak, I know). It will just take some time to complete. However, I think the challenge will be in my product illustration, because it's important that it looks realistic. I'm glad that it's larger scale, because that will at least be easier to work with.

Now on to the final product!

Illustration time: 1 hour
Microns and Prismacolor markers on marker paper
4" x 5"

Monday, February 8, 2010


We also had to paint 10 abstract images using color theory. While they all turned out well color wise, I had two really good compositions. I liked these, because they really allowed me to loosen up and just let the colors work together.

Illustration time: 3 hours
Watercolors on watercolor paper
4.25" x 5.5"

10 Washes of One Image

We were supposed to take one image and, using a combination of ink line, painted line, and wash, create 10 different images. I think the close-up of the face is the most successful piece. It has a loose quality that still conveys the information of the animal. Despite this taking forever, I had a lot of fun and I am getting a higher ratio of good pieces.

Illustration time: 7 hours
Watercolor and Micron pens on Arches Watercolor Paper
4.25" x 5.5"

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

10 More Watercolors

Our assignment was to create 10 more watercolors of any theme, and I think that my skills are improving. Slowly, but there is a visible difference.

However, today, I wasn't able to get all of my watercolors done. I was just swamped in meetings and other projects, and I didn't get a chance to finish my watercolors. And I was even looking forward to doing them this time! However, I hate pulling all-nighters, and I couldn't justify sacrificing my sleep. Hopefully I'll get a chance to complete more at a later time.

Illustration time: 1.5 hours
Watercolors and Sharpie pen on watercolor paper
4.5" x 6"

Monday, February 1, 2010

Wildlife Animal

For this project, we had to paint a wildlife animal. I chose this fox and was fairly happy with it. I think I am better at working big, because I have more room to concentrate on detail. I had originally thought that the smaller size would be better, but from the relative success of my large images vs. my small images, I have to say that my larger ones are more successful.

I think I need to make the distinction between land and water clearer, because at the top, they blend together too much. But I think the rest of it worked out really well. I think maybe I'm starting to get this medium... maybe...

Illustration time: 1.25 hours
Watercolor and Micron pen on watercolor paper
9" x 12"

!0 Mini Watercolors - Things with sides

For this set of 10, I had trouble coming up with objects. However, I felt that my paintings were overall more successful, even though I only had 5 that I really liked (the same as last time). I think these images are stronger, however, and I am slowly getting the feel for watercolors.

I'm not sure what I need to do to make things better, but I guess more practice is the best solution right now...

Illustration time: 5 hours
Watercolors on watercolor paper
4.5" x 6"