Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Three-Image Gouache Montage

For this project, I didn't know what objects to choose. So I asked three people for the first image they could think of. I got a caterpillar, a pinwheel, and a strawberry. Then I arranged the images and put together a comp. I had forgotten the background, but as I was painting the actual piece, it seemed that using a streaky background would work well. I didn't add it to my comp, because it wouldn't have reflected the actual anyway.

I was really pleased with how my caterpillar turned out. My pinwheel was fairly successful, and Rusty seemed to think it was my most successful part. I had a lot of trouble with the strawberry, and probably spent the most time on that one part. I probably did more on that one image than the rest of the entire piece. It's starting to have definition, but I'm not happy with how it turned out.

I don't like this technique, but I love the intensity of the gouache. I had a lot of trouble with getting deep colors in watercolors, but the gouache works much better.

Illustration time: 4.5 hours
Gouache on watercolor paper
10" x 14"

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